Currently July

July 3, 2012
Say it isn't so!! Sigh...July already. WOW! Time sure is flying by rather quickly....I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade. I just love participating in her linky parties and seeing what everyone else is up to :) 

Click on her button to hop on over & join the fun!!

Have a safe & happy 4th of July!!! 
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  1. I always need help with RTI. Thanks for sharing your book selection.

  2. Jealous! Is Maui as beautiful as they say it is? I love anywhere tropical so I hope to visit there some day.

    I agree, I hope the rest of our summer vacation days C R E E P by.

    :) Ann

  3. I am sooooooo jealous that you are in Maui. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!

  4. How about you go back to Maui and I go back on my cruise and we both deny that summer is ending way to quickly??? =)

    Heather's Heart

  5. @ Mrs. Anne- yes it is! Very peaceful and relaxing. I hear the outer islands are just as beautiful (Kona, Hilo, etc)

    @ Robyn- :)

    @ Heather- Sounds like a PLAN!!! Sigh..summer blues!


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