

Hello there & welcome to my blog!

My name is Edana Michaels and I teach Kindergarten. I have a Master's Degree in Reading Development and I am currently in my 10th year of teaching. I must say it's been quite an adventure! Learning truly never stops! I've taught 1st grade for five years and Kindergarten for another 5 years.
I am currently working on my Library Endorsment and I hope to become a Library Media Specialist within the next year or so. I enjoy spending time with my family, and surfing pinterest in my spare time (is that even a hobby?! lol!).

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment

  1. We were wondering if we could get a set of posters for a "bully free school". Many of our classrooms have your posters in their classroom setting, but we would like to have a set for the entrance to our school. But we don't want it to say classroom - we want it to say school. Is this possible? You can email me at my school address below. Thank you

    Mary Scofield
    Para Professional Media Specailist
    Central Elementary School
    Bemidji MN 56601


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