I hope you were all able to download my freebie on Facebook as well as the other 41 freebies from my friends at Kinderland. If not, don't worry...there will definitely be more to come!
Speaking of freebies, the lovely gals over at Freebielicious have teamed up with Educents- one of the best places for discounted educational items, to bring you some awesome products that'll help you gear up for back to school.
Now, they aren't exactly "freebies", but at 80% off, that is considered practically FREE to me!!
![BACK-TO-SCHOOL BUNDLE [Image: BACK-TO-SCHOOL BUNDLE]](https://www.educents.com/img/medium_big_thumb/Deal/1299.6fdc41b0bd88cc9d89735efa0430b416.jpg)
You'll receive 23 items in all for just $30. But you must act quickly because this deal is only good until July 14th.
Click the image above for more information...and keep an out for another freebie in the next few days here on my blog...it'll be a FLASH freebie so make sure you grab it in time.
Love Educents!
First Grade Blue SKies