I'm linking up with the fabulous Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade to bring you this month's Currently.
I've really missed doing these fun linkies during my seven month long blog hiatus. I promise to never disappear for that long! I've been busy revamping my teachers pay teachers store which has taken up a ton of time but I am so happy with my progress. I look at some of the first products I created and I cringe each time!!! I've got just a few more to go so wish me luck!
I'm really needing to cut back on coffee, buuuuutttttt it just helps make my days a little more manageable. Notice I said I was sticking to "most" of my New Year's goals....I wasn't referring to this one..hahaha!
Who's with me?!
Finally, I'm definitely swooning over all the new modern blog designs I've been seeing lately with the slideshow at the top....really techy! I'm itching for one, although I just had this current design up just a few short months ago. Ah! Decisions! Decisions!

I love your blog design! I've been drooling over all the new designs I've been seeing and wondering if I should take the plunge and get a new look. Decisions, decisions.
Thanks so much! :)
DeleteI love your blog design! I have been thinking that I need to take the plunge and get a new one now that I am not teaching kindergarten...so sad! I am now teaching 2nd grade so I am thinking about a new blog design focused on primary....Hmmm. I just hate making such a drastic change and decision! Congratulations on sticking to your goals!